Google Developers Student Club
G.L. Bajaj Institute Of Technology And Management, Greater Noida.
powered by Google Developers
Developer Student Clubs is a Google perceived student body at a college which straightforwardly reports to Google for their exercises and is upheld by the tech goliath. A DSC conducts workshops , classes and other fun exercises which help the undergraduates to interface with Google.
Concept of DSC
The DSC program is a grassroots channel through which Google gives advancement abilities, versatile and web improvement aptitudes for undergraduates, towards employability.
Why DSC?
For undergraduates to learn improvement aptitudes, tackle issues through innovation and rouse them to be world class designers and changemakers.
Target audience
DSC activities are targeted at University students and any others including faculty members who want to learn development skills & work to solve real-life problems.
Opportunities DSCs provide students with
- ◾ Meet other students on campus interested in developer technologies. All are welcome, including those with diverse backgrounds and different majors.
- ◾ Learn about a wide range of technical topics where new skills are gained through hands-on workshops, in-person training and project building activities.
- ◾ Apply your new learnings and connections to build great solutions for local problems. Advance your skills, career and network. Give back to your community by helping others learn as well.
- ◾ Getting motivation to become world-class engineers and changemakers from sharing others' examples of overcoming adversity.
Technologies we're amped up for
Chances to learn and get to profound specialized content.

Android Development
Every Year Google developers releases energizing new updates to the world's most well known working framework. We generally have meetings to keep you refreshed and acing the most recent patterns in current Android advancement.

Web Development
Become familiar with the center establishments of a magnificent web experience both for the client and engineer. Keep awake to tabs with rising and drifting advancements. Gain admittance to a guided, instructional exercise and hands-on coding experience.

Cloud Computing
For energetic developers who need to remain significant in a cloud first existence where organizations interest for nimbleness and advancement and brief ascent of cloud-local applications to spans holes between information, knowledge, and activity.

Actions on Google
Draw in billions of clients over the Google Assistant and before long Google Search, Android, and different surfaces by creating Actions and connecting them with our ever-developing expectations index. Configuration, construct, and disperse completely adjustable conversational Actions across Google, utilizing Dialogflow or one of our numerous layouts.

Machine Learning
Figure out how to drive client commitment and maintenance with intelligent applications that can adequately serve clients what they need without the whine by giving these frameworks the capacity to naturally take in and improve as a matter of fact without being expressly modified.
Past Events & Workshops Timeline
Events are listed in reverse chronological order by date.
More Events Coming Soon